Adult leadership opportunities and training

To be registered with Boy Scouts of America, you need to obtain a registration form and pay a nominal fee. It is strongly encouraged to have more than one parent from a patrol be registered. Also, it is highly recommended that registered parents obtain some scout training and attend committee meetings to ensure you are acting in accordance with Boy Scout policies and procedures. A parent can become a Merit Badge Counselor by registering. If the parent is already a member of Troop 180, the parent’s name needs to be added to the Merit Badge list.

There are numerous opportunities to serve as an adult leader. Some are long-cycle positions such as Treasurer, Advancement Chair, Committee Chair, Chaplain, and Eagle Coordinator. Some are short-cycle and last until the conclusion of a major activity such as chairing a fundraiser or a summer camp. Last but not least, adults are needed to lead regular monthly campouts and be Merit Badge Counselors.

Adult leader training is available at many levels. It is recommended that new parents take basic training as soon as possible. Some certifications, such as shooting sports and climbing, require activity-specific training.