Merit Badges

Merit Badges are fun and all the scouts want them. There are Merit Badge Counselors within the Troop for many of the Merit Badges. The scouts need to contact the Merit Badge Counselor for the Merit Badge they wish to earn. If there is no counselor, then the scout needs to find one. The troop advancement team or the scoutmasters can assist you in finding a Merit Badge Counselor within the Troop or within Council.

There is a small library of Merit Badge books in Neff Chapel that can be signed out. The Library has some books, or you can purchase them at the Scout Shop or online. The scoutmasters need to be contacted in order to obtain a Blue Card and to have her/him sign it.

It is strongly recommended that the Merit Badge be done with more than one scout. Merit Badge counselors are discouraged from working with their own child, but we recognize that it is sometimes unavoidable.

When area merit badge fairs are announced the troop will encourage boys to attend. There scouts can get a good head start on one, two and sometimes three badges in a weekend. Summer Camp is one of the best ways to earn some merit badges.

Placement on uniform. Merit Badges are placed on the merit badge sash in rows of three.

List of all Merit Badges and Requirements

Merit Badge Counselor Application

Merit Badge Counselor Information Form